Deb Larkin has always fed Dengie to her various horses and ponies over the years. When she first got her daughter Jess’ pony Mouse she started him on Dengie Hi-Fi Molasses Free as they knew he was likely to be a good doer being a native. They also didn’t want anything that might make him fizzy as her daughter was quite young. After they’d had him a while and Jess had got to know him more, Deb felt he needed a bit more and contacted the Dengie Feedline.
“I have always found the Dengie Feedline very helpful and on their advice we decided to swap Mouse from Hi-Fi Molasses Free to Alfa-A Molasses Free to provide him with a little more slow release energy from the pure alfalfa feed” says Deb. “It was also suggested that I add a performance or competition specification balancer to provide Mouse with the vitamins and minerals he needs for a balanced diet and to support his workload. I made the recommended changes and Mouse is looking and feeling great. He has just the right amount of energy and stamina to perform, without being too fizzy or excitable for Jess to handle.”
“We bought Mouse as a 4 year old, he is now 7 and has become a fantastic allrounder. Jess put lots of time into his flat work before we started jumping him which has really paid off. They have regular lessons together and now compete for her Pony Club and school teams qualifying for championships in dressage, show jumping and combined training so far this year. They also enjoy long hacks together for some downtime and to unwind.”