Horse Feeds

Specialist High Fibre Horse Feed Ranges

Use the filters below to find suitable feeds for your horse or pony. There are often multiple options from our range of products, so if you have any questions, or would like help in selecting the right one for your horse, complete our Feed Advice Form or call the Dengie Feedline on 01621 841188 for a personalised feeding plan.

Because we love horses as much as you do!

At Dengie we are devoted to creating the best and healthiest horse feeds because we love horses as much as you do! Fibre is vital for the healthy function of your horse or pony’s digestive system and satisfies their need to chew – it’s what they’re meant to eat! With our full range of products, from the Alfa-A and Hi-Fi ranges through to our specialist fibre feeds, Dengie can help you formulate the right diet for your horse or pony whatever their age or work load.

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