Learn more about equine nutrition, feeding and Dengie products
The Dengie Product Advisor training courses are designed to help you learn more about equine nutrition, feeding and Dengie products to ensure that you are able to give your customers the best possible advice.
The Dengie Product Advisor Courses now carry AMTRA Suitably Qualified Person (SQP) points. To ensure your points are awarded after successfully completing any of the levels please make sure that you include your unique AMTRA number in the box provided with your details.
To complete either level all you have to do is download a Product Advisor Course Booklet which contains all of the information that you need. Then complete the appropriate answer sheet online.
If you would like free training from Dengie in order to help you complete the course, then please contact your Area Sales Manager. If you have any comments or feedback then please let us know.
An introduction to Dengie products and how they can meet the nutritional requirements of different types of horses and ponies.
A more detailed look at nutrients the horse requires and the raw materials used to provide them.
Develop your understanding of specific nutrition related diseases and the particular requirements of different age groups.