Alfa-A Original helps my racehorses achieve their best

Flat Trainer William Knight has had nearly 400 winners – including successes at Group 2, Group 3 and Listed level. He is based at Rathmoy Stables which is one of the best equipped yards in Newmarket with around 80 boxes, its own equine pool, spa, treadmill, and covered ride with superb access to Newmarket’s unrivalled gallops.

“I have been feeding Dengie Alfa-A Original since I first started training eighteen years ago and it is a staple part of all of my horses’ diets” explains William. “I have found it to be consistently clean due to the precision drying process, the horses enjoy it and it’s a vital aspect in their bucket feed. It can be difficult to balance health and performance, fibre is crucial to the horses’ digestive health and so the Alfa-A helps them to achieve their best. The alfalfa has many nutritional benefits including providing quality protein as well as good levels of calcium and other minerals”.

“I can be certain of the traceability, quality and safety of the feed, which is particularly important for horses racing under rules” adds William. “The Alfa-A Original goes with the horse’s whenever they travel to race both in the UK and abroad in places such as Dubai”.

William Knight Racing