Nothing goes to waste at Dengie, we even recycle your hay!
Well, your hay samples at least! Have you ever wondered what happens to your hay after it has been sent to us to be analysed?
At Dengie, we offer a range of forage analysis services and packages which will provide the nutritional profile of your forage to help us prepare personalised feeding plans for your horse or pony. We analyse over 100 forage samples every year for customers and always retain some in case the lab need more for a re-test. As soon as we know the spare hay is surplus it can be disposed but instead of it going to waste on the compost heap, the hay samples are given to guinea pigs Pumpkin and Spider who absolutely love it!
A typical guinea pig will eat roughly 3-4kg of hay per month which is considerably less than most horses eat per day! We suppose it’s not surprising really- when you consider the size difference!
As you can see, Pumpkin and Spider love eating their hay as well as using it to keep warm and snuggle into when its colder!
Alongside their hay, leafy greens and balanced guinea pig food, Pumpkin and Spider also enjoy chopped grass and grass pellets as an additional treat, particularly when the weather is too cold or rainy to enjoy their time out in the garden.
If you would like further information on the different types of forage analysis we offer, click here.
For friendly feeding advice or information about our call our Feedline on 01621 841188 or click here to fill out our Feed Advice Form.