A ‘Tantalize-ing’ Prospect
On Tuesday, a dream I’ve had for a long time came true – Tantalize went out to compete at her first ridden show.
I have been looking forward to this ever since the idea of her first began five years ago. Her mother, Delphi, was given to me by my dearest friend, Olivia, in the hope that she would be a wonderful horse for me to take to grand prix level. Unfortunately, Delphi had suffered an injury growing up that ultimately prevented this. We gave her to my friend Jo, who is a breeder, as her Dimaggio bloodline, movement and confirmation made her an outstanding broodmare. When Totilas’ semen was made available, we jumped at the chance to get some for Delphi – she was one of only a hundred mares accepted to receive his semen, so this was an amazing opportunity. The outcome was Tantalize.
Her training has been delayed due to the fact that she was difficult to back, so this was the last of the qualifiers – not great preparation! The venue was bursting with lorries, horses, rain and puddles, but our girl was impeccably behaved and I could not have wished for more. Unfortunately, not knowing how she would be, we had her out too long and she tired, meaning she wasn’t able to show off her lovely trot in the ring. Although she did display some fabulous canter and walk, it wasn’t enough to beat the more advanced and experienced young horses. Nevertheless, out of all of them I’m so glad that she was the horse that I was taking home to produce for the five-year-old classes next year…watch this space!