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Showing 161 to 180 of 246 results found for the search term "weight"

A typical day in Lockdown

As sadly there have been no competitions, I thought I would tell you how I have been spending lockdown #3, fitting in doing the ponies with online school lessons and what a typical day looks like for me.

All About Micronized Linseed

Micronized linseed has become a popular feed for horses. But what is linseed and why is it popular? Find out more here!

Home for Christmas

I’m back home from University for the Christmas break. Googie is back up in full work and had her first jump this week since July! She was pretty happy and is feeling better than ever – we are really trying to nail this dressage before the start of the season.

Training Bursary Blog: Amy Roberts Part 2

With restrictions being eased, Amy Roberts has been delighted to be out training with the horses again in preparation for the event season to kick start.

Feeding Your Alpaca

Alfalfa-based feeds can be fed to a wide range of animals including camelids. So which Dengie feeds can be used to feed your alpaca?

Training Bursary Blog: Sarah-Jane Brown Part 3

Well, we are four weeks in now to a very different world, let’s all hope a temporary one, but I sadly believe we may be facing restrictions for a while. So what is life like at Shoestring HQ?

Training Bursary Blog: Liv Nolan Part 2

A month after our fabulous training day with Dengie we have really cracked on with training. Even with all the storms we have been out to competitions most weekends.

Wet Chemistry Basic Analysis

A basic analysis for hay, soaked hay, haylage and other conserved forages.

Chewing, Behaviour & Digestive Health

Your horse or pony needs plenty of chew time to keep him happy and healthy. Dengie nutritionist Tracey Hammond, MSc (Dist), explains why.

Meadow Lite with Herbs

The ULTRA low-calorie feed for good doers and those prone to laminitis!

Horse & Rider Training Bursary

Earlier in the year, three lucky Horse&Rider readers won a 12-month training bursary from Dengie. As part of their prize, they won lessons with Dengie ambassadors, Hannah Esberger-Hancock and Lucy Jackson.

Catching up with the bursary winners

We recently caught up with the four lucky bursary Horse & Rider winners to find out what they had been up to since we saw them last in December 2018.

Shoes, Check! Teeth, Check! All Set!

Skipper has been with us a few weeks now and has had the full spa treatment! New shoes, wormed, teeth done (by the excellent Emson Equine) and tomorrow he is being treated by Andrea my physio.

The challenge of providing chew time for those with poor dentition

The number of enquiries regarding poor dentition and how to use hay replacers to the Dengie Feedline has increased significantly in recent years. Interestingly it’s not just older horses that present a challenge, dental issues can be seen in younger horse’s too.

What is Molasses? A Guide to Molasses for Horses

More often than not, we come across the question ‘what is molasses’? Take a read of our guide to molasses for horses to find out!

What to look for in a Para Dressage Horse

Dengie supported rider Anna Miller often gets asked what she would look for in a para dressage horse for her clients and if there are any attributes that are particularly important. In our latest article Anna explains how the type of horse can really depend on the individual rider’s different abilities and disabilities.